AMDEA and its members have worked closely with the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on microplastics and welcomed its report, which was published on September 21 this year. Appliance manufacturers are committed to mitigating the impact of those microfibres that are released from textiles during laundering.
Emphasising that this is a global problem requiring harmonised solutions, Francis Thomas, technical officer, AMDEA said: “Appliance manufacturers are dedicating their engineering skills and vast experience of user behaviour to identify a range of effective and sustainable solutions that are practical to use and affordable for householders. This also requires establishing international performance standards for washing machines, based on sound science and technical rigour.”
Prerequisites to be met will include:
- Solutions that can be replicated internationally, reflecting the global nature of domestic appliance R&D and manufacturing.
- Performance measurements that permit accurate surveillance testing.
- Technologies that maintain the current high standards of energy and water efficiency of washing machines and permit further progress on these savings.
- Solutions that reduce the release of microfibres in washing machine effluent, while remaining easy to use and affordable.