AMDEA > Sustainability


“Appliances have a critical role to play in future sustainability, in helping achieve the net zero home

Paul Hide, Chief Executive AMDEA

Over the last twenty years AMDEA members have achieved vast reductions in the energy and water consumption of our essential appliances through eco-friendly design and new technologies. With 188 million appliances in the UK’s 28 million homes, these machines play an important role in making our lives easier, while ensuring clean and healthy homes. Their collective performance can also make a vital contribution to net zero goals.


Behind today’s high-efficiency appliances lies an industry eco-commitment that scrutinises every phase of operations, seeking to continuously reduce emissions. Net zero planning includes extending lifespan and making repairs easy to conserve resources, refurbishing discarded appliances to lend them a second life and developing safe uses for recovered materials.

Leading the way

AMDEA members have opened their doors to reveal their sustainability programmes. Behind the scenes, and often invisibly, leading brands with products in every home have scrutinised their entire operations for opportunities for carbon reduction. Take a look as they lift the lid on their paths to net zero. From use of renewable energy, recycling and recyclable materials, EV fleets, eco-packaging and extending the lifespan of their products, they are tackling every opportunity for carbon savings.

Every drop makes a difference when the UK showers Every drop makes a difference when the UK showers

Serious sustainability behind the famous smile      Serious sustainability behind the famous smile

Extending efficient lifespan of appliances Extending efficient lifespan of appliances



Given the number of installed appliances in constant use, AMDEA Members recognise that their individual progress in driving down manufacturing emissions, water and energy usage, and increasing the use of recycled and recyclable materials can significantly advance the national journey to net zero.

Eco design Eco design

Production materials Production materials

Manufacturing efficiency Manufacturing efficiency

Packaging Packaging

Transport Transport


Eco Performance in Use

Huge strides have been made in developing machines which are more water and energy efficient. Today’s fridge uses half the energy of a 20-year-old model and today’s washing machine needs a third less water than one produced around the millennium. Each efficiency development, wisely used in homes, is an incremental step towards our net zero goals.

In use In use

Smart features Smart features

Maintenance Maintenance


Repair, Recycling & Recovery

Design emphasises durability and recyclability, and manufacturers extend lifespan by supplying spare parts. At appliance end-of-life, maximising recycling and recovery is key. For every three large appliances bought, two are recycled. Recycling separates an appliance into constituent materials – steel, copper, plastic etc – to be deployed elsewhere, reducing the need for virgin materials. Sometimes, materials from appliances are reused in new machines – an example of a true circular economy.

WEEE regulations and policy WEEE regulations and policy

Recovery of materials Recovery of materials

Repair Repair



Appliances are vital to modern lives because they keep us clean and fed. After they are manufactured, they rely on water and energy to run, and all this means they have an important part to play in how the UK brings down emissions to reach net zero. Find some common questions around sustainability and the appliance industry.